December 26, 2012

Blocked fallopian tubes

blocked fallopian tubes
While there are many causes of infertility, a blocked fallopian tube is often the reason why many women are unable to conceive. Each month, when ovulation happens, an egg is released from ovary, and goes through the tubes and reaches the uterus. The sperm also need to swim from cervix through the uterus and to the fallopian tubes to meet the egg. Fertilization usually takes place here while an egg is traveling through the tube. If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, the egg can't reach the uterus, and that's why the sperm can't meet the egg. This will prevent any fertilization and pregnancy.

Get to know about fallopian tubes, what are fallopian tubes?
The fallopian tubes are the pathways in which the ova travel from the ovaries down into the uterus. They consist of two thin tubes. Their function is to lead the mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus. Blocked fallopian tubes typically prevent successful passage of the egg to the sperm, and/or the fertilized egg to the uterus. In some cases, blocked fallopian tube is not total, but partial. This can increase the risk of a tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy.

What causes blocked fallopian tubes?
Blocked fallopian tube is the major cause of infertility in women at about 20% of the infertility cases. Here are common causes of blocked fallopian tubes.
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Tubal ligation removal
  • Genital tuberculosis (rare cases)
  • Complications from lower abdominal surgery, such as Caesarian section.
How to diagnose blocked fallopian tubes?
There are no specific symptoms and signs that make us know if we are suffering from blocked fallopian tubes. But if you have PID, it is important to think of blocked fallopian tubes, because based on epidemiologic studies, 75% of women with sexually transmitted disease do suffer from blocked fallopian tubes.
The only sign that there is a blocked fallopian tube is an inability to conceive, or we call it primary infertility. To detect this abnormality, there are some diagnostic modalities. Here are the details.
  1. HSG (hysterosalpingogram). It is an X-ray test using a contrast dye to view any blockage or obstruction in the fallopian tubes.
  2. Laparoscopy surgery / chromotubation. This procedure is similar to HSG because chromotubation includes dye being passed into the fallopian tubes and uterus. This test is performed on a laparoscopic surgery so the doctors can see the dye spelling from the fallopian tube.
  3. Sonography (almost similar to USG). It is a non invasive test using ultrasound imaging to determine any abnormalities in reproductive organs.
  4. Blood test to detect Chlamydia antibodies because tubal disease is often related to Chlamydia infection.
How to open blocked fallopian tubes?
  1. Selective tubal cannulation. This procedure is performed for proximal tubal blockage with 60% pregnancy success rate.
  2. Tubal ligation removal (tubal reanastomosis). In this procedure, the doctor will remove the portion of the fallopian tube that was tied or cauterized in the original surgery and reattaches the two ends to make a complete tube. Tubal reanastomosis has a 75% pregnancy success rate.
  3. While IVF therapy has largely replaced tubal surgery in the treatment of infertility, the presence of hydrosalphinx is a detriment to IVF success. It has been recommended that prior to IVF, laparoscopic surgery should be done to either block or remove hydrosalpinges.
What are the risks of blocked fallopian tubes surgery?
  • Pelvic infection
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Regrowth of scar tissue
  • Tissue adhesion

December 11, 2012

Seasonal influenza vaccine

seasonal influenza vaccine
Influenza, or flu, is a disease caused by the influenza virus. It is very contagious disease which can be spread by sneezing, coughing, and nasal secretions. Everyone can get influenza, but mostly it affects children. For most people, influenza symptoms last only a few day. 

Symptoms of seasonal influenza
Symptoms of common flu are not specific, it can mimick another viral infections. The symptoms include:

  • Chills/fever
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Runny nose
Why people should get seasonal influenza vaccine
People with decreased immune functions, such as young children, elderly, pregnant women, and people with certain health conditions such as heart, lung, or kidney disease, can get much sicker. Seasonal influenza can cause high fever and continue to pnemonia and will harm the existing medical conditions. In children, seasonal influenza can cause diarrhea and fever associated seizure. Sometimes some people need hospitalization.By getting seasonal influenza vaccine you can protect yourself from seasonal influenza and may also avoid spreading seasonal influenza to others.

When to get seasonal influenza vaccine
  • Get the vaccine as soon as possible. It will protect you from influenza. You can get the vaccine as long as illness is occuring in your community.
  • Influenza mostly occurs from October through May. In recent seasons, most infections have occured in January and February. So if you get the vaccine in December, it will still be beneficial in most years.
  • Older children and adults need one dose of influenza vaccine annualy. Younger children (less than 9 years) may need two doses to be protected.
  • The vaccine may be given at the same time with other vaccine. It is safe.
How to fight seasonal influenza?
CDC urges us to take these steps to protect ourself and others from the seasonal influenza:
  1. Get vaccinated against flu. It's a best defense.
  2. Cover your cough, wash hands often.
  3. Take antiviral drugs as doctor recommends you.
For more information about seasonal influenza vaccine by age group in the United States, you can go here.

Source: CDC

November 11, 2012

Heavy menstrual bleeding

heavy menstrual bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) is one od the most common gynecologic abnormality that can take a heavy toll on the women it affects. Many women with heavy menstrual bleeding problem do not discuss their condition with their clinicians because they mistakenly believe that it is something they actually have to live with or some women also complain about their fear of hormonal and surgical therapy.

The definition of heavy menstrual bleeding refers to blood loss > 80 mL during menstruation. NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) of the UK proposed that heavy menstrual bleeding can be defined as excessive menstrual blood loss that interferes with patient's physical, emotional, socialm and material quality of life, and which can occur alone or in combination with other symptoms.

About 30% of women experience heavy menstrual bleeding at some point of their lives. This condition affects more than 10 million women in USA each year, which is about one in five women; however only about 5% of women of reproductive age seek treatment for it annually.

Risk factors
There is a little facts about demographic risk factor of heavy menstrual bleeding. A study has reported that heavy menstrual bleeding has correlation with age, and others show no correlation of heavy menstrual bleeding with ethnicity, genetics, or parity. Lifestyle factors such as alcoholism and smoking are still unknown.

What causes heavy menstrual bleeding?
Here are the causes of heavy menstrual bleeding, according to FIGO classification system:
  • Structural causes
    • Endometrial or cervical polyps
    • Adenomyosis
    • Leiomyoma
    • Malignancy and hyperplasia
  • Non structural causes
    • Coagulation disorders
    • Ovulatory dysfunction
    • Endometrial
    • Iatrogenic
Treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding
Treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding should be based on many factors such as:
  • Your medical history
  • Causes and severity of heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Tolerance for specific drugs or procedures
  • Your future childbearing plans
Medication/drug therapies for heavy menstrual bleeding may include:
  • Iron supplements, if heavy menstrual bleeding is accompanied by anemia
  • Analgetics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as naproxen, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, they help reduce menstrual blood loss and also relieve menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)
  • Oral contraceptives, it can help regulate and normalize the menstrual cycles and also reduce prolonged menstrual bleeding
  • Oral hormones (progesterone), it will correct hormonal imbalance and reduce menstrual bleeding
  • Hormonal IUD (Mirena). It is an intrauterine device that contains progestin (levonorgestrel) which makes the uterine lining thin and reduce menstrual blood flow, relieve cramps.

September 22, 2012

How to improve liver function

Liver is the largest organ in our body. It synthesizes many important substances to regulate body metabolism. As a fat burner and detoxifier, liver works can regenerate itself, unlike other organs. So we can do some efforts to cleanse and strengthen our liver, so it will improve our health. There are many nutrients that are good to support liver function. Actually if we are focused on liver health, here are some tips about how to improve liver function.
how to improve liver function

  • Drink plenty of water, especially purified water. Water plays an important role in liver detoxification and help cleansing the liver. 
  • Cut down all the fatty foods and deep-fried melas. Avoiding high cholesterol foods is proven to reduce the risk of gallbladder disorders.
  • Moderate consumption of alcohol (or less) is also important for liver function, since the liver postpones other import functions when it is working to metabolize excess alcohol.
  • Eat regularly dietary supplements to help repair the liver, including but not limited to calcium, turmeric, silymarin, vitamin C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Avoid leftovers that are past their safety date. Please pay attention to how long certain foods will still be safe to consume after being stored in the refrigerator.
  • Avoid processed foods such as chicken nugggets, sausages, hotdogs, etc.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and reduce your sugar intake. Enjoy natural sweeteners such as molasses, honey, and agave nectar.
  • Minimal the consumption of salted foods.
  • Increase your high fiber diet, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, brown rice, and whole grain breads.
  • Keep your ideal body weight. Obesity and gallbladder stones are highly correlated.
  • Limit caffeine intake as much as you can.
  • Stay away from pollutants.
  • Have enough sleep and avoid sleep lately everyday. Our liver works in detoxicating especially in the midnight.
  • Reduce your stress.
  • Undertake an internal detox program twice a year. You can buy colon cleansing kits in your local food store and also online shops. Famous brands such as Perfect Cleanse, CleanseSmart, and also Colonix. Follow the instructions precisely.

August 31, 2012

Blood Clot Treatments

blood clot treatments
Blood clotting is one of the most important mechanism of the body to help repairing injured blood vessels. When an injury happens, such as damaged blood vessels, platelets are transported to the injured area to form an initial plug. This process will activate a clotting cascade, using a series of clotting factors produced by the body. In the end, fibrin is formed. Fibrin is a protein that crosslinks with itself to make a mesh that completes the final blood clot.

The medical terminology for a blood clot is thrombus. Once it is formed, as a normal recovery process of the body, there will be little consequence. Unfortunately, there are times when thrombi (plural form of thrombus) will form but it is not needed, and it can make significant problems for the body itself.

In the US, approximately there are 2 million people develop blood clot symptoms every year. Most people are over age 40. Blood clots in the lung can cause death at least 650,000 people/year, making it the third most common cause of death. 

Blood clot, risk factors
The risk factor of blood clots are common with the risk factors to all diseases that cause narrowing of blood vessels, rupture of plaque, and also cholesterol plaque formation, such as:
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Family history of blood clot
  • Cigarette smoking
Other conditions are also risk factors for blood clot formation:
  • Recent surgery
  • Prolonged immobility, bed rest or sitting (during flight, a long car ride)
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Fractures in the hip, thigh, or lower leg
  • Live in high altitude
  • Recent childbirth
  • Obesity
  • Contraceptive users
  • Old age
Blood clot symptoms
There are 2 locations of blood clot formation:
  1. Venous clots. The clots prevent blood not to return to the heart. Most often happening in the arms or legs. Symptoms are:
    • Warmth
    • Swelling
    • Redness
    • Pain
  2. Arterial clots. The clots prevent blood not to get to the affected area. Injured body tissue becomes lack of oxygen and begin to die.
blood clot treatments
Blood clot treatments
The treatments depend on the location of clots, and it can be symptomatic or agressive treatment.
  1. Venous blood clots
    • Warm compresses 
    • Drugs: ibuprofen, acetaminophen
    • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) needs special treatment called anticoagulation, such as: enoxaparin, warfarin. Patients need hospitalization.
    • Blood clots below the knee have lower risks for emolization to the lung. It may need serial ultrasonography examinations to monitor the clot's growth.
    • If pulmonary emboli occurs, the treatment is similiar to DVT and also need hospitalization to monitor patients' condition.
  2. Arterial blood clots
    • It should be more seriously treated.
    • Surgery is needed to remove the clot
    • Medications: tenecteplase, alteplase (TPA), especially for peripheral arterial disease to restore blood supply.
    • If blood clots occur in the heart, cardiac catheterization is need to relocate blocked artery and a ballon is used to open the occluded area, restore blood circulation, and then a stent (ring) is placed to keep it open. If there is no contraindication, blood clots in brain (stroke) need TPA to restore brain blood flow and prevent more damage.

August 27, 2012

Thalassemia How To Test

Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder in which the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. This disorders result in increased destruction of red blood cells, which leads to anemia.

thalassemia how to test
Thalassemia Causes
Hemoglobin consists of two proteins: alpha globin and beta globin. Thalassemia occurs when there is a defect in a gene that control production of those globins.
Genetically, thalassemia is classified into two main types:
  1. Alpha thalassemia: when a gene or genes related to the alpha globin protein are missing or mutated.
  2. Beta thalassemia: when similar gene defects influence the production of beta globin protein.
Clinically, thalassemia is classified into:
  1. Major thalassemia: A person with major thalassemia must inherit the defective gene from both parents.
  2. Minor thalassemia: occurs if a person receive the defective gene from only one of his parents, so he becomes a thalassemia carrier. Person with minor thalassemia has minimal symptoms or mostly symptomless.
Risk factor of thalassemia
  1. Certain ethnicity: Chinese, Asian, Mediteranian, and Afro-American.
  2. Family history of thalassemia.
Thalassemia symptoms
  • Alpha thalassemia is the most severe kind of thalassemia. It can cause stillbirth (death of unborn baby, usually during late stages of pregnancy or while delivering)
  • Children born with major thalassemia may be normal at birth, but they will develop anemia in their first year of life.
  • Symptoms of thalassemia-related anemia:
    • Fatigue
    • Growth failure, failure to thrieve
    • Bone deformities in the face
    • Jaundice 
  • People with minor form of beta and alpha thalassemia have no symptoms, but microscopically, it can be identified.
thalassemia how to test
Thalassemia how to test
  • Peripheral blood test (complete blood count) and peripheral blood film
    • Low level of hemoglobin
    • Low level of red blood cells
    • Pale red blood cells
    • Various size and shape of red blood cells.
  • Serum iron test
  • Hemoglobin electrophoresis: to detect abnormal form of hemoglobin molecule.
  • DNA analysis : it is a definitive way to diagnose thalassemia and also thalassemia carrier.
  • Prenatal testing. It can be done before the baby is born. The goals are to rule out thalassemia and to determine how severe the thalassemia is. There are 2 kinds of tests in fetuses:
    • Amniocentesis: it can be done in week 16 of pregnancy by taking sample of fluid that surrounds the fetus.
    • Chorionic villous sampling: it is usually done in week 11. The sample is a tiny piece of placenta.
  • Premarital testing. 
    • If both of bride and groom have minor thalassemia (carriers), they should consult to a doctor before planning a pregnancy. Remember that thalassemia is a preventable disease!
    • Assisted reproductive technology. It helps couples with thalassemia carrier to have a normal baby. This procedure involves retrieving mature eggs from a woman and then fertilizing them with a selected man's sperm in a laboratory. After that, the embryos are tested if there is any gene defect. Only those without defective genes are implanted in the woman.

July 31, 2012

Flesh Eating Bacteria Symptoms

flesh eating bacteria symptoms
Flesh eating bacteria, or "necrotizing fasciitis" is a rare infection but can be fatal if not treated properly. It is a kind of bacterial infection that spreads quickly, and cause tissue death at the infection site and beyond.

People can get this disease after being infected by the group A Streptococcus (GAS) bacteria. It is the same bacteria that causes strep throat. The bacteria can enter the body through insect bites, minor surgery, minor cuts, and abrasions. Once the body infected, the infection agressively destroys muscle, skin, and fat tissue.

Here are flesh eating bacteria symptoms.

  • Local skin warmth. The infected skin appears red and hot when touched. The warm areas enlarge as the infection spreads. The skin color can change from red to dusky gray, and it is a sign of skin death. 
  • Pain. Severe pain may be an early symptom of flesh eating bacteria. The pain can worsen prior to the development of an open sore. This pain is caused by nerve damage around the site of injury or wound.
  • Tissue swelling. There is a swelling in the infected area that can progressively advances as the infection continues. The overlying area is shiny and taut. 
  • Skin blisters. Skin blisters may develop on the infected skin. The characteristic of skin blister caused by flesh eating bacteria is crackling and popping sensation when the skin is pressed. It is called "crepitus".
  • Skin ulcer. The ulcer grows as the infection spreads. It contains white fluid with bad odor.
  • Foul odor. It caused by dead skin.
  • High fever.
  • Malaise. People infected by flesh eating bacteria often show the symptoms of generalized weakness.
  • Fainting. It may be caused by low blood pressure as the disease progresses.
Flesh eating bacteria treatment
  • Hospitalized is needed.
  • Intravenous antibiotic therapy.
  • Wound debridement (such as minor surgery to remove dead skin and damaged tissue to help stopping the spread of infection)
  • Symptomatic medications: antipiretics, analgetics.
Please consult your physician to get complete examination and information about this disease.

July 28, 2012

The effects of coffee on the kidneys

the effects of coffee on the kidneys
Coffee may be the most popular drink in the world. It contains a substance called caffeine. Caffeine can be naturally found not only in coffee but tea and chocolate. Medical practitioners usually add caffeine into pain relievers, migraine healers, etc. Caffeine is generally harmless but in some people, it has negative effects such as headaches, stomach upset, and jitters. For people with pre-existing kidney problems, coffee can also affect kidney function.

Here are the effects of coffee (or caffeine) on kidney function:

  • Urinate more often. It is caused by diuretics effect of caffeine. 
  • Dehydration. Since coffee has diuretic effects, you have to make sure that your fluid intake is enough to prevent dehydration. Dehydration is harmful for the kidney because it can cause acute injury and promote infection on the kidney and also urinary system.
  • Urinary incontinence. Coffee can increase the risk of urinary incontinence, especially if you drink more than 400 mg of caffeine a day.
  • Kidney stones. Caffeine can increase urinary calcium levels. In a research, it was concluded that there was a moderate increase in the risk of developing kidney stones (especially calcium oxalate stones, the most common type of stones) after a significant caffeine consumption.
  • Kidney disease. In a study, it is concluded that people with polycystic kidney disease were more likely to develop larger cysts if they consume caffeine because caffeine can damage kidney function.

July 21, 2012

High Cholesterol Symptoms

high cholesterol symptoms
Our body needs cholesterol but actually the need of cholesterol is already filled without additional food intake, because 80% cholesterol is synthesized in the liver and only 20% must be supplied from food. Unfortunately many people have hypercholesterolemia because of their lifestyle. Normally, reference range of cholesterol level is 160-200 mg/dL, and level more than 240 mg/dL is dangerous because it is a major risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular disease.

There are some high cholesterol symptoms:
  • Pain or stiffness in the back of the head neck
  • This stiffness is also up to shoulder
  • Leg swelling
  • Easy to accomplish
  • Easy sleepy

There are 7 major causes of high cholesterol symptoms :

  1. Daily food
  2. Body weight, especially obesity
  3. Sedentary living
  4. Certain age
  5. Congenital disorder of cholesterol metabolism
  6. Family history of hypercholesterol
  7. Smoking

July 7, 2012

How to lower triglyceride level

how to lower triglyceride level
Triglyceride is a blood lipid substance that is stored in the fat cells. Increased triglyceride level is a risk factor for many metabolic disease. That's why, it is important for us to lower and to control our triglyceride level.

Excess calories will be stored in fat cells in the form of triglycerides. The function is to provide energy for body cells, to protect vital organs, and to help absorbing vitamins and minerals. Normal range of triglyceride level is less than 150 mg/dl.

These are some metabolic disease that is influenced by increased triglyceride levels:

  1. Atherosclerosis. It is the basic mechanism of heart attack and stroke.
  2. Diabetes. Increased triglyceride levels will stimulate the release of certain inflammatory cells called "cytokine" in the bloodstream. It will influence the body ability to control blood glucose levels.
  3. Metabolic syndrome, that is formed of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension.
  4. Fatty liver disease. Increased triglyceride level cause excessive fat cells to be stored in the liver so it can promote fatty liver disease.
  5. Xanthoma. Increased triglyceride levels stimulate itch and acne is hands, foot, and buttocks.
How to lower triglyceride level?

  1. Choose the good fat, avoid red meat, butter, and trans fat that are contained in the fast food, such as french fries.
  2. Choose the good carbo, such as wheat, oatmeals, brown rice, and avoid refined fluor such as pasta, bread, and noodles.
  3. Choose the good protein, high omega-3 fat, that are important in controlling excessive triglyceride synthesis, such as salmon, tuna, sarden, and for vegetarians, you can try walnut and almond.
  4. Eat more vegetables and fruits, because they contain fibers that help controlling body weight and lower triglyceride level.
  5. Control your body weight. The more kilograms means the more triglyceride level.
  6. Physical exercise, to help lowering fat levels.
  7. No alcohol. Red wine may be good for health and prevent cardiovascular attack but we have to know exactly about the limit.

June 23, 2012

How to prevent migraine headaches

how to prevent migraine headaches
Migraine is a common disorder for many people, approximately affects more than 10 percents of the world population. To prevent migraine headaches, there are some healthy habit you can do. 

One thing you should remember is that the cure of migraine headaches is not permanently working. After few days, sometimes there will be another migraine attacks. It is believed that a healthy diet can prevent migraine headaches naturally. But bad lifestyle and habit can trigger it. 

Here are some ways of how to prevent migraine headaches:
  1. On time eating. Skipping meals for any reason can affect our health. A strict diet is also a contributing factor for migraine attacks. If you think that strict diet will reduce your body fat, this will end up as a suddenly increased blood glucose and trigger migraine attack.
  2. Regular exercise. A healthy body will make a healthy mind. To stay fit and active, do exercise regularly. This will help prevent migraine headaches.
  3. Enough sleep. Too many sleep or lack of sleep will interfere your body rhythm. Ideally, an adult needs 6-7 hours of sleep and not more than 9 hours a day. Maintain your sleep schedule for a better result.
  4. Stop smoking. Smoking and alcohol drinking can increase the risk of migraine attack. If you think that you can cope a migraine by smoking, please rethink. Nicotine doesn't only cause an inflammation in throat and lungs, but also can make you psychically addicted. Alcohol contains tyramine that can trigger migraine. If you excessively consume it, alcohol can cause migraine attacks.

June 12, 2012

Why does baby cry when defecating

why does baby cry when defecating
Don't be too worry when your baby is screaming and has a changed facial expression while defecating. It may not be a serious medical problem for your baby. Defecating is a new experience for babies, and it is a normal thing. There are some reasons why does baby cry when defecating.

  1. Body function is not perfect yet. Defecating while lying is difficult because it needs more pressure, so sometimes your baby will scream and cry. Babies can't sit and have to make an extra effort to coordinate abdominal muscles so the feces can be pushed. 
  2. Constipation. If your baby cries while excreting, it may be caused by constipation. Dry feces, and or after few days of no defecation are signs of constipation. To relieve constipation, increase the fluid intake. Add more sugars to his formula milk to soften the feces. If your baby is more than 4 months, you can add fresh juice to his meal. If your baby is already able to take solid meals, add high fiber vegetables such as spinach, peas, pear, and plum. If you have tried all the things and constipation still continues, consult your pediatrician. 
  3. Gassiness. Another reason why does baby cry when defecating is a gas pain. Gassiness is caused by inability to digest any nutrition from breast milk, lactation, or hyper syndrome (when mother has excessive milk production). Formula milk, constipation, and gastrointestinal infection can cause gassiness in your baby. Gassiness after drinking milk will be relieved by burping, gently massage your baby's stomach to release trapped air in his stomach. Give your baby some drops of fennel essence to reduce gassiness.

June 1, 2012

Lung Cancer Symptoms

lung cancer symptoms
Lung cancer is a kind of cancer that has very bad survival. Generally, 15% of people in the USA diagnosed with lung cancer survive only 5 years after confirmed diagnosis. It is th emost common cause of cancer-related death in both men and women. Lung cancer's death rate is approximately 1.3 millions per year, worldwide.

It is very important to know the risk factors of lung cancer, such as:
  • Smoking and secondhand smoke
  • Exposure in home and work that may cause lung cancer, such as asbestos, silica, and chromium.
  • Family history of lung cancer
  • Chest radiotherapy
  • Diet, such as arsenic in drinking water, beta-carotene supplements in heavy smoker.

Lung cancer symptoms are listed below:

  • Chronic cough
  • New wheezing
  • Back pain, chest pain, shoulder pain, that are often worsened by deep breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hoarseness
  • Bloody mucus or coughing up blood
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Weight loss in short term
  • Clubbing fingers and toes
Lung cancer treatment
  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy

May 23, 2012

Obesity Increases The Risk of Migraine

obesity increases the risk of migraine
Body weight and chronic headache and also migraine are closely related, according to the research of Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, USA. "If you can reduce your weight, it will help you lower the risk of migraine", Dr. Lee Peterlin said.

Dr. Lee Peterlin has observed a population consists of overweight people age 20-55. Their Body Mass Index (BMI) are measured. 37% women with obesity have experienced many complaints related to headache, compared to 29% women with normal BMI. For men, 20% with obesity have experienced migraine compared with 16% who have normal BMI. Overall, this research consists of 22,000 subjects.

"We know that exercise and physical activity can reduce the risk of migraine, which directly can reduce the pain", Peterlin explained. The complete explanation will be published in annual meeting of The American Academy of Neurology in Seattle. As we know, migraine is a form of headache, accompanied by some symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, aura, and increased sensitivity to sound and light. The study also conclude that people age 55 and older are the highest risk to have migraine.

May 13, 2012

What Are Colon Cancer Symptoms

what are colon cancer symptoms
Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in US men, after lung and prostate cancer, according to National Cancer Institute's reports. In women, it is the second most common cancer, after breast cancer. Overall, 1 in 17 people will develop colon cancer, or known as colorectal cancer. 

The spreading of colon cancer starts locally, so the symptoms are also local. What are colon cancer symptoms?
  • Intermitten diarrhea or constipation
  • Red blood spot in the stools or rectal bleeding, similar to hemorrhoids.
  • "Pencil stools": stools that are thinner than normal
  • Feel of uncomplete bowel
  • Abdominal discomfort, bloating, cramp, frequent gas pain.
  • Fatigue and pale skin
colon cancer symptoms 
If the tumor is getting larger, the colon cancer symptoms are systemic, such as:
  • Unexplained weight loss which is losing weight when not dieting
  • Extreme tiredness, easy to be tired
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anemia and jaundice
If you experience the colon cancer symptoms above, first thing to do is going to the doctor to get some diagnostic examinations of colon cancer. The doctor (usually a digestive surgeon) will perform a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy to exam to condition of colon mucosa.

May 5, 2012

Dandruff Natural Treatment

dandruff natural treatment
Dandruff is a common hair problem, marked by white and itchy flake of the skin scalp. It is not contagious but sometimes can be embarrassing and not easy to treat. Dandruff is caused by a yeast-like fungus, named pityrosporum or malassezia. Actually the microorganisms are normally found in the scalp, but in certain conditions such as: stress, immunosuppression, hormonal imbalances, infrequent shampooing, illness, or increased oil production, there will be an inflammation on the scalp and then increase the dead skin cells production. The dead cells will appear as white flake called dandruff.

The good news about dandruff, now the experts have found dandruff natural treatment. What are they?

It is a water-soluble vitamin B substance. The function is to help breakdown fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. There are biotin supplements in the market, and also found naturally in some foods, such as: egg yolk, liver, milk, barley, royal jelly, soy, and brewer's yeast. Biotin is also naturally produced by the microorganisms in the intestines. There are some conditions that cause biotin deficiency such as: long term use of antibiotics and raw egg whites eating habit.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Make a mix of 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup of water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spritz it on your hair until reach the scalp. After that, wrap you hair with warm towel for about 15 minutes. Do it regularly twice a week.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil contains antibacterial and antifungal substances. A study has concluded that 5% of tea tree oil used as shampoo solution can significantly reduce dandruff. Now there are many shampoos contain tea tree oil in the drug store and supermarket.

Tar Shampoo
Tar shampoos have been proven as dandruff natural treatment for hundred years. The tar works to decrease cell turnover effectively. It has a strong odor, may stain the shaft or lighter-colored hair but the staining is not permanent. For sensitive skin, it can cause irritation.

May 2, 2012

How To Increase HDL Levels

how to increase HDL levels
HDL cholesterol is a protective risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as stroke, heart attack, and peripheral arterial disease. The higher HDL levels, the lower risk of cardiovascular disease. HDL levels below 40 mg/dl is considered an increased risk of coronary artery disease EVEN those people have normal total cholesterol level and LDL cholesterol level.

These are some steps about how to increase HDL levels:
  1. Stop smoking. Cigarettes consist of many oxidants and harmful substances. Besides that, smoking alone is a major risk factor of cardiovascular disease.
  2. More exercise. It is very hard to do, but still the best way to gain more HDL level. Exercise, especially the aerobic ones such as rapid walking, jogging, bike riding, for approximately 20-30 minutes per day can be an effective way to raise HDL levels. Duration of exercise is the more important factor than the intensity.
  3. Gain normal weight. Obesity is a minor risk factor for cardiovascular disease because it tends to raise LDL levels and reduce HDL levels. Reducing weight can increase HDL levels for you who are in obesity. Important to know that if you have an excess weight especially in abdominal area, you have to pay attention to that. Calculate your waist to hip ratio is important when determining whether you want to concentrate on weight loss.
  4. Alcohol. One or two drinks per day, especially red wines, can significantly raise HDL levels. Some studies conclude that red wine gives many advantages such as reduction in triglyceride levels and increase HDL levels, in people with normal body mass index (BMI). So you must keep in mind that you should in a normal BMI first before you can gain benefits from red wine consumption.
  5. No more trans fatty acids. Gradually eliminate the consumption of trans fatty acids from your diet because it can increase you LDL levels and reduce HDL levels.
  6. Eat more monounsaturated fats, such as avocado, canola oil, olive oil, peanut butter because it can increase your HDL levels without increasing total cholesterol levels.
  7. Eat this food to gain more HDL levels:
    • Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, salmon, etc
    • Calcium supplementation
    • Cranberry juice
    • Tomato juice
  8. More fibers to your diet, such as oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, legumes, at least two servings per day. 
Drugs for raising HDL
  • Statins (simvastatin, rosuvastatin) is not effective to raise HDL. It is effective to reduce LDL levels.
  • Fibrates (gemfibrozil, fenofibrates) is also not effective to raise HDL. It is effective to reduce triglyceride levels.
  • Nicotinic acid (niacin) seems to be the most effective in raising HDL levels. Niacin is a one of vitamin B. This drug has side effects such as flushing, itching, and flushes. Because of that, taking niacin must be supervision of a doctor.

April 28, 2012

Sciatica Treatment

sciatica treatment
Sciatica is a clinical diagnosis that refers to an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve is a nerve that covers any movements to the leg and sends information about sensations back to the brain. Sciatic nerve is the largest peripheral nerve in our body. It consists of lumbar and sacral nerve roots from the spine, exits the lower part of the lumbosacral area, passes behind the hip and runs down the back of the thigh.

Causes of sciatica
  • Spinal disc herniation. It is a rupture of normal cushion of the spine vertebrae. It causes compression to the nerve and the manifestations are: pain, weakness, and numbness. 
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Piriformis syndrome.
Sciatica symptoms
  • Burning sensation of the thigh
  • Shooting pains from the buttock, down the leg
  • Cramping sensation of the thigh
  • Tingling sensation in the thighs and legs
  • Pins and needles sensation
  • Symptoms can be worse by coughing or squatting because there is an increased intraabdominal pressure that increases pressure around the nerve.
Sciatica treatment
  • Reduce your activities, take more rest.
  • Analgetic and antiinflammatory drugs, such as:
    • Motrin
    • Celebrex
  • Muscle relaxant drugs 
  • Corticosteroid, such as: Medrol Dose-Pak. There is also epidural steroid injection that can deliver antiinflammatory medication directly to the sick area.
  • Physical therapy and exercises
  • Supporting therapy, such as ice packs. It can soothe the muscles
  • Alternative medicine:
    • Chiropractic
    • Acupuncture
    • Massage
    • Hypnosis
  • If the problems persist up to 3 months, you may need a surgery procedure to remove the ruptured disc.

April 25, 2012

Acne Scar Treatment

acne scar treatment
Acne is one of the most common skin condition that occurs up to 80% people, especially in their teens, and up to 5% of adults. Many people can spontaneously recover from acne without any permanent effects or scars, but others are left with acne scars. In the market, there are some topical skin care medications that can improve mild scarring, but most severe acne scars are treated with a combination of skin resurfacing and surgical procedures.

How to prevent acne scars?
Preventing acne lesions is the best way to prevent post inflammatory changes caused by acne. All you need to know is understanding the factors that cause acne and using the proper medications that are different from different types of acne.

Acne scar treatment
For early acne scar, be aware of these:

  • Apply a good sunscreen and prevent direct exposure to the sun. They will cause more skin damage and delayed healing.
  • Skin MUST be free of active acne. 
  • Use tretinoin (Vitaquin, Retin-A) can fasten the skin's remodeling process and heal the post-inflammatory changes.
  • Apply chemical peeling with combination of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that contain the correct combinations with suitable pH to help the skin's remodeling process.
  • The use of antioxidant topically to the healing skin is still controversial. Many facts showed that it cause more harm than good, but others said that vitamin E can promote skin rejuvenation.
For severe acne scars, as quoted from, there are some treatment options such as:
  • Dermal fillers
  • Punch excision
  • Skin graft replacement
  • Punch elevation
  • Subcutaneous incision
  • Laser resurfacing

April 21, 2012

Whitening Injection Side Effects

whitening injection side effects
Many people want to gain a lighter skin, reduce wrinkles, spots, melasma caused by oral contraception. Whitening injection can be an option for that. Usually it is injected once a week for 2 months, and followed by once every months. It contains a fibrous protein called Collagen. The benefits of whitening injection are:

  • Reduced fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, and minor scars.
  • Improve skin elasticity, makes more supple and moisture.
  • Maintain the production of collagen that is used in cartilage and joints.
  • As replenishment of reduced collagen caused by aging
  • Reduce the appearance of pimples, blemishes, and acne, and minimize pores. 
  • Prevent scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency.
  • Increased immune system.

Be careful of getting the whitening injection, because they also have many side effects such as:

  • Long term use of large doses will cause:
    • Headache
    • Insomnia
    • Nausea
    • Increased CNS excitability
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Gastritis, dyspepsia
    • Hyperglycemia
    • Nephrolithiasis because of excessive calcium oxalate
    • Renal impairment until renal failure
  • High dose use intravenously can cause:
    • Hemolysis of red blood cells
    • Termination threat of pregnancy because of increased estrogen level

April 15, 2012

Autism Awareness Day

autism awareness day
Autism Awareness Day is hold annually since 9 September 1989. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly on the recommendations of the State of Qatar. Every year to increase people's awareness about people, especially children with autism. there are many events on World Autism Awareness Day. These include:
  • Seminars with autism experts, government, and NGO representatives.
  • Informational events for parents with autism children.
  • Workshops and congress for professional workers on autism.
  • TV and radio shows, talk shows, etc.
  • Exhibitions of art work by artists with autism.
  • Update managements of children with autism.
  • Launching of educational materials for both teachers and parents.
  • Public leaflets to increase people's awareness about autism.
For you who want to participate in celebrating World Autism Awareness Day every April 2 and Light It Up Blue to help shine a light on autism. Whether it's a small party, office party, front porch or your local city hall, the whole world is going blue to increase people's awareness about autism.
Light It Up Blue, in its third year, is a unique global idea to help raising awareness about the growing public health concern. Please join us here and help shine a light on autism.

April 6, 2012

World Health Day

world health day
World Health Day is celebrated every 7 April to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. One different topic is selected every year to highlight the priority and concern of WHO. World Health Day is a global campaign to make health challenge in certain emerging health issues and inviting every people, health policy makers in all countries to make action to improve people's health and well-being.

In 2012, World Health Day focuses on "Active Aging" with the theme: "Good health adds life to years". It has a message that good health throughout life can help older men and women lead full and productive lives and be a resources for their circumstances. Ageing is something that will happen on everyone, whether male or female, rich or poor, town or village, etc.

Population ageing is a global phenomenon that is both inevitable and predictable. it will change society at many levels and in complex ways, creating both challenges and opportunities. on the one hand, older people already make a significant contribution to society, whether it is through the formal workforce, through informal work and volunteering or within the family. We can foster this contribution by helping them maintain good health and by breaking down the many barriers that prevent their ongoing participation in society. on the other hand, towards the end of life, many older people will face health problems and challenges to their ability to remain independent. We need to address these too, and do it in a way that is affordable and sustainable for families
and society.

There is a policy framework document from WHO. It contains existing health data and draws on some exciting new work to help us understand what older people need and identify any actions we can take. There are some sections: key points, the demographic of ageing, the epidemiology of ageing, taking action on ageing and health and some recommendations of ageing. For download the document please click here

WHO Official Website (

April 4, 2012

Steven Johnson Syndrome Symptoms

steven johnson syndrome symptoms 
In the previous article (click here), we have talked about Steven Johnson syndrome. For you who have asked about the symptoms, now we make a resume about it.

Here are Steven Johnson Syndrome symptoms as quoted from Mayo Clinic:

  1. Flu-like symptoms: fever, sore throat, cough, etc.
  2. Lip swelling
  3. Facial swelling
  4. Tongue swelling
  5. Skin pain
  6. Hives
  7. Skin rash (red or purple) that spreads in hours to days
  8. Skin blisters especially around the nose, mouth, and eye.
  9. Sloughing of the skin
  10. Conjunctivitis
Please contact your doctor if the symptoms persists more than one day. Proper treatment is needed because Steven Johnson syndrome is a life-threatening condition.

March 31, 2012

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Therapy

cerebral palsy stem cell therapy 
As we have discussed in the former article (click here), cerebral palsy is a congenital disorder that caused by brain damage during pregnancy, delivery, or rapidly after birth. Many scientists around the world have been looking for its therapy. The trend of cerebral palsy therapy is now stem cell therapy. 

CT scan of children with cerebral palsy shows many hypoperfusion areas (hypoperfusion = lack of blood flow). Stem cell therapy has benefits to help repair this condition by:
  • Repairing white matters area to produce more glial cells
  • Repairing grey matters by stimulating the growth factors and nerve cells.
  • Stimulating the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis) to the damaged areas.
  • Stimulating more new neurons to get more oxygen and nutrient supply.
  • Muscle tissue strengthening.
  • Increasing immunity system.
  • Improving neuroprotection.
Several studies conclude that cerebral palsy is the best responder to stem cells. In a study of 20 participants, about 85% showed mild to significant improvement after 5 months therapy. Symptoms and signs of improvements are: muscle tone, increased vocabulary, increased comprehension and socialization. Good respond is caused by the cells differentiate predominantly into glial progenitors that promote brain cells repair. After that, it must be followed by physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy.

March 23, 2012

Chronic Knee Pain

chronic knee pain
Chronic knee pain is caused by diseases or conditions that occurs in knee joint, the soft tissue and bones around the knee, and also nerves fiber in the knee area. Knee joint is the most common organ involved in rheumatic disease, immune disease, and also joint inflammation or known as arthritis.

Chronic knee pain: Risk factors
There are some risk factors for people to develop chronic knee pain, such as:
  • Aging. The risk of chronic pain increases with age.
  • Sex. Women have a higher risk although the mechanism is still unknown.
  • Obesity. 
  • Sedentary lifestyle and less exercise.
  • Trauma/injuries. Pain caused by injuries can be worse by bending the knee, putting weight on the knee, or walking. A single traumatic event can caused one or more injured area.
  • Athletic/sport activities.
Treatment of chronic knee pain
  • If the problem is arthritis, the treatment is according to the nature of type of arthritis. If analgetics do not  give any response, it may require a total knee joint replacement by surgery.
  • If the cause is infection, treatments are antibiotics and sometimes it needs joint surgery.
  • Tumor should need a surgery.
  • Bursitis. It can be treated with ice packs, immobilization, and antiinflamatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and for severe cases, it needs corticosteroid injections as well as physical therapies.
The outlook and prevention of chronic knee pain
The outlook (prognosis) for persons with chronic knee pain depends on the exact cause of pain. Knee pain caused by degenerative or auto immune disease can be chronic and cannot completely recovered, while chronic knee pain from injuries can be resolved with appropriate management. Only knee pain caused by injuries that can be treated such as enough warming up before having exercise, etc.

March 16, 2012

Insulin Resistance Diet

insulin resistance diet
Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas to control our blood glucose level. The main effects of insulin are to increase glucose uptake by cells and promote glucose using and storage in liver and muscle tissue. Insulin resistance is a condition which the body cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. So the body need higher levels of insulin to have optimal effects.

There are some conditions that have contribution to develop insulin resistance:
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Severe illness and infection
  • Long term steroid use
  • Stress
However, preventing is better than curing. We have some tips about insulin resistance diet:
  1. Carbohydrate diet guidelines
    • Good carbohydrates are the non-refined and non-starchy ones.
    • Reduce sugar, simple sugar, and sweetener, such as Stevia, common table sugar, fructose, ice cream, pastries, honey, soda, candy.
    • No grain products, such as pop corn, breads, pasta, corn tortilla chips.
    • Whole grain limitations, such as wheat, barley, buckwheat. 
    • Limit butter
  2. Fruits diet guidelines
    • Eat it with protein meals and not alone
    • Berries are the best ones.
    • No dried fruit, no canned fruits (except tomato sauce)
  3. Protein diet guidelines
    • Animals that eat grass are unhealthy for the person eating the animal
    • No hydrogenated margarine
    • Dairy products are okay, especially unsweetened yoghurt.
    • Consume moderate amounts of leaner meats, fish, and seafood. The more omega-3, the better.
  4. Fat diet guideline
    • Low diet fat is unhealthy, eat fat moderately.
    • Limit fried foods
    • Use healthy oil (olive, canola), coconut oil is okay
    • Limit cheese
  5. Other
    • Drink lots of water
    • Organic fruits and vegetables are the best (if available)
    • This is important: exercise more!

March 11, 2012

How to Get Rid of a Hemorrhoid Fast

how to get rid of a hemorrhoid fast
Hemorrhoid is quite irritating, especially for you who is physically active. When doctor has diagnosed you with hemorrhoid, there are lots of therapy alternatives. Some of them do not go far enough because they are basically insufficient to cure the basic problem of hemorrhoids. Here are some therapeutic options you should know and try about how to get rid of a hemorrhoid fast, before you spend money on a more expensive treatment.

Home remedies for getting rid of a hemorrhoid fast:
  1. No more irritations
    • Do not scratch
    • Choose a better paper toilet
    • Soak in a tub of warm water to cure the swollen veins
  2. Dietary changes
    • Eat more fibers: oatmeal, papaya, nuts, raisins, prunes. 
    • Drink more
    • Beer, soda, junk food, and coffee are strictly prohibited
    • Reduce salt intake
  3. Try not to strain
  4. Try OTC remedies, such as painkillers. But you can only use them temporarily.
  5. See a doctor. If your hemorrhoids still persist after 1-2 weeks, you should visit a physician. Some type of hemorrhoids need surgery to be cured.

February 28, 2012

Laser Cataract Surgery Procedure

laser cataract surgery procedure
Cataract is a clouding on the eye lens. When you have cataract, it seems like looking through a fogged up window. People with cataract are difficult to read, drive at night, etc. Cataracts usually develop slowly, so they may not show any symptoms, but with time, cataracts will progressively interfere with your vision. Eyeglasses cannot help people with cataracts. Impaired vision need cataract surgery, because if cataracts are not well treated, they may cause vision loss. Cataract surgery is a safe and quick procedure, and it is very effective. Now, there is a more efficient surgical option: laser cataract surgery

How is laser cataract surgery procedure?
Laser cataract surgery uses a special device named a femtosecond laser. Its function is making incision into the eye, opening the lens, then dividing the lens into small parts. What makes difference between standard cataract surgery procedure with laser cataract surgery procedure is that cataract laser surgery can be performed on secondary cataracts. Secondary cataracts are cataracts that occur on posterior capsule. It is a minor procedure, doesn't need hospitalization (one day care), and can be performed without anesthesia. Primary cataract surgery is when lenses are totally removed and replaced with intraocular lens made of plastic or silicone. 

Laser cataract surgery procedure is different from Lasik procedure although Lasik procedure also uses a laser. In Lasik, a laser reshapes the cornea in order to correct the eyesight so you don't need to wear thick glasses again.