March 16, 2012

Insulin Resistance Diet

insulin resistance diet
Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas to control our blood glucose level. The main effects of insulin are to increase glucose uptake by cells and promote glucose using and storage in liver and muscle tissue. Insulin resistance is a condition which the body cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. So the body need higher levels of insulin to have optimal effects.

There are some conditions that have contribution to develop insulin resistance:
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Severe illness and infection
  • Long term steroid use
  • Stress
However, preventing is better than curing. We have some tips about insulin resistance diet:
  1. Carbohydrate diet guidelines
    • Good carbohydrates are the non-refined and non-starchy ones.
    • Reduce sugar, simple sugar, and sweetener, such as Stevia, common table sugar, fructose, ice cream, pastries, honey, soda, candy.
    • No grain products, such as pop corn, breads, pasta, corn tortilla chips.
    • Whole grain limitations, such as wheat, barley, buckwheat. 
    • Limit butter
  2. Fruits diet guidelines
    • Eat it with protein meals and not alone
    • Berries are the best ones.
    • No dried fruit, no canned fruits (except tomato sauce)
  3. Protein diet guidelines
    • Animals that eat grass are unhealthy for the person eating the animal
    • No hydrogenated margarine
    • Dairy products are okay, especially unsweetened yoghurt.
    • Consume moderate amounts of leaner meats, fish, and seafood. The more omega-3, the better.
  4. Fat diet guideline
    • Low diet fat is unhealthy, eat fat moderately.
    • Limit fried foods
    • Use healthy oil (olive, canola), coconut oil is okay
    • Limit cheese
  5. Other
    • Drink lots of water
    • Organic fruits and vegetables are the best (if available)
    • This is important: exercise more!

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