March 11, 2012

How to Get Rid of a Hemorrhoid Fast

how to get rid of a hemorrhoid fast
Hemorrhoid is quite irritating, especially for you who is physically active. When doctor has diagnosed you with hemorrhoid, there are lots of therapy alternatives. Some of them do not go far enough because they are basically insufficient to cure the basic problem of hemorrhoids. Here are some therapeutic options you should know and try about how to get rid of a hemorrhoid fast, before you spend money on a more expensive treatment.

Home remedies for getting rid of a hemorrhoid fast:
  1. No more irritations
    • Do not scratch
    • Choose a better paper toilet
    • Soak in a tub of warm water to cure the swollen veins
  2. Dietary changes
    • Eat more fibers: oatmeal, papaya, nuts, raisins, prunes. 
    • Drink more
    • Beer, soda, junk food, and coffee are strictly prohibited
    • Reduce salt intake
  3. Try not to strain
  4. Try OTC remedies, such as painkillers. But you can only use them temporarily.
  5. See a doctor. If your hemorrhoids still persist after 1-2 weeks, you should visit a physician. Some type of hemorrhoids need surgery to be cured.

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