April 25, 2012

Acne Scar Treatment

acne scar treatment
Acne is one of the most common skin condition that occurs up to 80% people, especially in their teens, and up to 5% of adults. Many people can spontaneously recover from acne without any permanent effects or scars, but others are left with acne scars. In the market, there are some topical skin care medications that can improve mild scarring, but most severe acne scars are treated with a combination of skin resurfacing and surgical procedures.

How to prevent acne scars?
Preventing acne lesions is the best way to prevent post inflammatory changes caused by acne. All you need to know is understanding the factors that cause acne and using the proper medications that are different from different types of acne.

Acne scar treatment
For early acne scar, be aware of these:

  • Apply a good sunscreen and prevent direct exposure to the sun. They will cause more skin damage and delayed healing.
  • Skin MUST be free of active acne. 
  • Use tretinoin (Vitaquin, Retin-A) can fasten the skin's remodeling process and heal the post-inflammatory changes.
  • Apply chemical peeling with combination of alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that contain the correct combinations with suitable pH to help the skin's remodeling process.
  • The use of antioxidant topically to the healing skin is still controversial. Many facts showed that it cause more harm than good, but others said that vitamin E can promote skin rejuvenation.
For severe acne scars, as quoted from About.com, there are some treatment options such as:
  • Dermal fillers
  • Punch excision
  • Skin graft replacement
  • Punch elevation
  • Subcutaneous incision
  • Laser resurfacing


  1. oh thank you so much for sharing such a nice information with us.
    and thanks again for sharing the laser skin resurfacing photos . we appreciate your time spend on your research.

  2. thanks for sharing it,it is helpful to me.
