April 15, 2012

Autism Awareness Day

autism awareness day
Autism Awareness Day is hold annually since 9 September 1989. It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly on the recommendations of the State of Qatar. Every year to increase people's awareness about people, especially children with autism. there are many events on World Autism Awareness Day. These include:
  • Seminars with autism experts, government, and NGO representatives.
  • Informational events for parents with autism children.
  • Workshops and congress for professional workers on autism.
  • TV and radio shows, talk shows, etc.
  • Exhibitions of art work by artists with autism.
  • Update managements of children with autism.
  • Launching of educational materials for both teachers and parents.
  • Public leaflets to increase people's awareness about autism.
For you who want to participate in celebrating World Autism Awareness Day every April 2 and Light It Up Blue to help shine a light on autism. Whether it's a small party, office party, front porch or your local city hall, the whole world is going blue to increase people's awareness about autism.
Light It Up Blue, in its third year, is a unique global idea to help raising awareness about the growing public health concern. Please join us here and help shine a light on autism.

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