March 31, 2012

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Therapy

cerebral palsy stem cell therapy 
As we have discussed in the former article (click here), cerebral palsy is a congenital disorder that caused by brain damage during pregnancy, delivery, or rapidly after birth. Many scientists around the world have been looking for its therapy. The trend of cerebral palsy therapy is now stem cell therapy. 

CT scan of children with cerebral palsy shows many hypoperfusion areas (hypoperfusion = lack of blood flow). Stem cell therapy has benefits to help repair this condition by:
  • Repairing white matters area to produce more glial cells
  • Repairing grey matters by stimulating the growth factors and nerve cells.
  • Stimulating the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis) to the damaged areas.
  • Stimulating more new neurons to get more oxygen and nutrient supply.
  • Muscle tissue strengthening.
  • Increasing immunity system.
  • Improving neuroprotection.
Several studies conclude that cerebral palsy is the best responder to stem cells. In a study of 20 participants, about 85% showed mild to significant improvement after 5 months therapy. Symptoms and signs of improvements are: muscle tone, increased vocabulary, increased comprehension and socialization. Good respond is caused by the cells differentiate predominantly into glial progenitors that promote brain cells repair. After that, it must be followed by physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy.

March 23, 2012

Chronic Knee Pain

chronic knee pain
Chronic knee pain is caused by diseases or conditions that occurs in knee joint, the soft tissue and bones around the knee, and also nerves fiber in the knee area. Knee joint is the most common organ involved in rheumatic disease, immune disease, and also joint inflammation or known as arthritis.

Chronic knee pain: Risk factors
There are some risk factors for people to develop chronic knee pain, such as:
  • Aging. The risk of chronic pain increases with age.
  • Sex. Women have a higher risk although the mechanism is still unknown.
  • Obesity. 
  • Sedentary lifestyle and less exercise.
  • Trauma/injuries. Pain caused by injuries can be worse by bending the knee, putting weight on the knee, or walking. A single traumatic event can caused one or more injured area.
  • Athletic/sport activities.
Treatment of chronic knee pain
  • If the problem is arthritis, the treatment is according to the nature of type of arthritis. If analgetics do not  give any response, it may require a total knee joint replacement by surgery.
  • If the cause is infection, treatments are antibiotics and sometimes it needs joint surgery.
  • Tumor should need a surgery.
  • Bursitis. It can be treated with ice packs, immobilization, and antiinflamatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and for severe cases, it needs corticosteroid injections as well as physical therapies.
The outlook and prevention of chronic knee pain
The outlook (prognosis) for persons with chronic knee pain depends on the exact cause of pain. Knee pain caused by degenerative or auto immune disease can be chronic and cannot completely recovered, while chronic knee pain from injuries can be resolved with appropriate management. Only knee pain caused by injuries that can be treated such as enough warming up before having exercise, etc.

March 16, 2012

Insulin Resistance Diet

insulin resistance diet
Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas to control our blood glucose level. The main effects of insulin are to increase glucose uptake by cells and promote glucose using and storage in liver and muscle tissue. Insulin resistance is a condition which the body cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. So the body need higher levels of insulin to have optimal effects.

There are some conditions that have contribution to develop insulin resistance:
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Severe illness and infection
  • Long term steroid use
  • Stress
However, preventing is better than curing. We have some tips about insulin resistance diet:
  1. Carbohydrate diet guidelines
    • Good carbohydrates are the non-refined and non-starchy ones.
    • Reduce sugar, simple sugar, and sweetener, such as Stevia, common table sugar, fructose, ice cream, pastries, honey, soda, candy.
    • No grain products, such as pop corn, breads, pasta, corn tortilla chips.
    • Whole grain limitations, such as wheat, barley, buckwheat. 
    • Limit butter
  2. Fruits diet guidelines
    • Eat it with protein meals and not alone
    • Berries are the best ones.
    • No dried fruit, no canned fruits (except tomato sauce)
  3. Protein diet guidelines
    • Animals that eat grass are unhealthy for the person eating the animal
    • No hydrogenated margarine
    • Dairy products are okay, especially unsweetened yoghurt.
    • Consume moderate amounts of leaner meats, fish, and seafood. The more omega-3, the better.
  4. Fat diet guideline
    • Low diet fat is unhealthy, eat fat moderately.
    • Limit fried foods
    • Use healthy oil (olive, canola), coconut oil is okay
    • Limit cheese
  5. Other
    • Drink lots of water
    • Organic fruits and vegetables are the best (if available)
    • This is important: exercise more!

March 11, 2012

How to Get Rid of a Hemorrhoid Fast

how to get rid of a hemorrhoid fast
Hemorrhoid is quite irritating, especially for you who is physically active. When doctor has diagnosed you with hemorrhoid, there are lots of therapy alternatives. Some of them do not go far enough because they are basically insufficient to cure the basic problem of hemorrhoids. Here are some therapeutic options you should know and try about how to get rid of a hemorrhoid fast, before you spend money on a more expensive treatment.

Home remedies for getting rid of a hemorrhoid fast:
  1. No more irritations
    • Do not scratch
    • Choose a better paper toilet
    • Soak in a tub of warm water to cure the swollen veins
  2. Dietary changes
    • Eat more fibers: oatmeal, papaya, nuts, raisins, prunes. 
    • Drink more
    • Beer, soda, junk food, and coffee are strictly prohibited
    • Reduce salt intake
  3. Try not to strain
  4. Try OTC remedies, such as painkillers. But you can only use them temporarily.
  5. See a doctor. If your hemorrhoids still persist after 1-2 weeks, you should visit a physician. Some type of hemorrhoids need surgery to be cured.