April 17, 2014

How to have twin babies

how to have twin babies
Many couples want to conceive hope to have twin babies. They have many reasons such as ensuring that their children have a close sibling through childhood, or just wanting a large family. Multiple births occur in about 3 percent of all pregnancies in the US annually. Experts say that there are some steps women can do to increase their chance of having twins. There are some factors that play role in possibility of having twins: diet, ethnicity, genetics, and lifestyle. Here are some guidelines about how to have twin babies.

  • Take fertility drugs. They stimulate the ovaries to support more than one ovarian follicle each months towards maturity. The result is that more than one egg is released.
  • If you come from a family where no identical twins are common, then your family history and genetic endowment means that you've got a greater possibility of having them yourself. But identical twins can happen in any family.
  • Women who have previously had a baby have a higher chance of conceiving multiple pregnancies.
  • Ethnicity: be of American/African heritage. Women from these ethnic background have a distinctly higher rate of twin pregnancies.
  • The more times you conceive, the greater the chances of conceiving more than one baby.
  • Try to conceive straight after you have stopped taking the pill because the body is going through a hormonal readjustment phase.
  • For you who already have a set of twins, your chance of having twins again is higher.
  • Good news for taller women! They tend to conceive more twins!
  • Taking a folic acid supplement one month before conceiving.
  • Talk to your doctor. Assisted reproduction technology will help you get twin babies.
Source: Huggies, Wikipedia