June 23, 2012

How to prevent migraine headaches

how to prevent migraine headaches
Migraine is a common disorder for many people, approximately affects more than 10 percents of the world population. To prevent migraine headaches, there are some healthy habit you can do. 

One thing you should remember is that the cure of migraine headaches is not permanently working. After few days, sometimes there will be another migraine attacks. It is believed that a healthy diet can prevent migraine headaches naturally. But bad lifestyle and habit can trigger it. 

Here are some ways of how to prevent migraine headaches:
  1. On time eating. Skipping meals for any reason can affect our health. A strict diet is also a contributing factor for migraine attacks. If you think that strict diet will reduce your body fat, this will end up as a suddenly increased blood glucose and trigger migraine attack.
  2. Regular exercise. A healthy body will make a healthy mind. To stay fit and active, do exercise regularly. This will help prevent migraine headaches.
  3. Enough sleep. Too many sleep or lack of sleep will interfere your body rhythm. Ideally, an adult needs 6-7 hours of sleep and not more than 9 hours a day. Maintain your sleep schedule for a better result.
  4. Stop smoking. Smoking and alcohol drinking can increase the risk of migraine attack. If you think that you can cope a migraine by smoking, please rethink. Nicotine doesn't only cause an inflammation in throat and lungs, but also can make you psychically addicted. Alcohol contains tyramine that can trigger migraine. If you excessively consume it, alcohol can cause migraine attacks.

June 12, 2012

Why does baby cry when defecating

why does baby cry when defecating
Don't be too worry when your baby is screaming and has a changed facial expression while defecating. It may not be a serious medical problem for your baby. Defecating is a new experience for babies, and it is a normal thing. There are some reasons why does baby cry when defecating.

  1. Body function is not perfect yet. Defecating while lying is difficult because it needs more pressure, so sometimes your baby will scream and cry. Babies can't sit and have to make an extra effort to coordinate abdominal muscles so the feces can be pushed. 
  2. Constipation. If your baby cries while excreting, it may be caused by constipation. Dry feces, and or after few days of no defecation are signs of constipation. To relieve constipation, increase the fluid intake. Add more sugars to his formula milk to soften the feces. If your baby is more than 4 months, you can add fresh juice to his meal. If your baby is already able to take solid meals, add high fiber vegetables such as spinach, peas, pear, and plum. If you have tried all the things and constipation still continues, consult your pediatrician. 
  3. Gassiness. Another reason why does baby cry when defecating is a gas pain. Gassiness is caused by inability to digest any nutrition from breast milk, lactation, or hyper syndrome (when mother has excessive milk production). Formula milk, constipation, and gastrointestinal infection can cause gassiness in your baby. Gassiness after drinking milk will be relieved by burping, gently massage your baby's stomach to release trapped air in his stomach. Give your baby some drops of fennel essence to reduce gassiness.

June 1, 2012

Lung Cancer Symptoms

lung cancer symptoms
Lung cancer is a kind of cancer that has very bad survival. Generally, 15% of people in the USA diagnosed with lung cancer survive only 5 years after confirmed diagnosis. It is th emost common cause of cancer-related death in both men and women. Lung cancer's death rate is approximately 1.3 millions per year, worldwide.

It is very important to know the risk factors of lung cancer, such as:
  • Smoking and secondhand smoke
  • Exposure in home and work that may cause lung cancer, such as asbestos, silica, and chromium.
  • Family history of lung cancer
  • Chest radiotherapy
  • Diet, such as arsenic in drinking water, beta-carotene supplements in heavy smoker.

Lung cancer symptoms are listed below:

  • Chronic cough
  • New wheezing
  • Back pain, chest pain, shoulder pain, that are often worsened by deep breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hoarseness
  • Bloody mucus or coughing up blood
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Weight loss in short term
  • Clubbing fingers and toes
Lung cancer treatment
  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy