December 2, 2011

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment

vaginal yeast infection treatment
Vaginal yeast infection is the most common problem in women. The symptoms are itching, burning, irritation, redness, and white or yellowish vaginal discharge with strong odor. Predominantly, vaginal yeast infection occurs in childbearing age women. There are some conditions that provide a chance for vaginal yeast infection, such as broad spectrum antibiotics, poor nutritional status, over consumption of sugar, contraceptive pills, hormonal shifta and immunocompromised problems.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment
There are some treatment choices that can be used in first aid vaginal yeast infection treatment :
  • Boric acid. This remedy has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It is used as vaginal suppositoria. The side effects are vaginal burning and skin allergy/irritation.
  • Essential tea tree oil. This is a natural remedy, used by diluting and applying topically to the vulvovaginal area.
  • Antifungal drugs
    • Antifungal tablet. Mostly used is fluconazole (Canesten, Diflucan). Antifungal tablet can be very effective, usually one tablet as single dose is enough to cure vaginal yeast infection. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications for this treatment.
    • Pessaries. Intravaginal pessaries do not have systemic effects, can cause local irritation. Examples for intravaginal pessaries are clotrimazole (Canesten), econazole (Ecostatin), and miconazole (Gyno-Dactarin). Pregnancy is also contraindication because it will cause cervical injury.
    • Creams. Creams are additional therapy to tablet and pessaries to cure redness and soreness around vagina, vulva, or perineum.
Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment Failure
The failure of vaginal yeast infection treatment can occur due to: patient's poor compliance, longer use of oral and topical drugs, double infection with bacteria, or there are underlying diseases that worsen the infection.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment at Pregnancy
Drugs of choice are: tropical clotrimazole, miconazole, and econazole. Avoid to use nystatin because it is less effective.


    Hi dear readers,
    Today,I would like to tell story of how I suffered from a 7 years bareness of FIBROID and how I was cured in less than a month by a Herbalist in Africa Dr.Akpu power
    First thing first, let me introduce myself. I'm LUCY HARDEN , 38 years, lives in Chicago .
    This is my story
    Many couples are faced with the issues not conceiving many years,after marriage and this sometimes puts a strain on the union.
    However,the patient ones are sometimes rewarded. i faced embarrassing questions from friends and family after marriage for years without a child
    Unknown to them that I was battling with fibroid that I have to removed before being able to conceive.
    Just when my husband decided to take me to a surgery for fibroids,after trying lots of medical prescription but nothing positive could show up. I was seriously looking for means and I thought about Herbs, when my friend Rose told me to try Dr. Akpu power herbal medicine as a power doctor that helped her cure her daughter from Herpes. Luckily for me during my search for my fibroid remedy,I came across a testimony of a lady who was born with HIV, that doctor Akpu helped cured and I was touched if I could have applied it might have work for me before now. This same Herbalist i was directed to some months ago by my friend who he cured his 18 years daughter from Herpes had been so powerful behind my knowledge.
    I told my husband about what I saw and he said I should contact him and try his medicine.
    When I copied the mail and wrote to him,we spoke and explained my problem to him. He said I shouldn't cry any more, I should testify to the world and those who mocked at my barrenness that I'm pregnant.
    I quickly requested for his Medicine , and he prepared and sent it for me with details of how to use.
    His medicine are very effective. And it also boosts up my immune system.
    I did as instructed and after a couple of months I went for the second test when I lost my habitat again,I thought I was fibroid positive again ,my husband took me to the hospital and my Dr. Confirmed me 3 weeks pregnant, Fibroid negative.
    That blows my mind!
    I had just conceive. I'm a mother of twice now. A boy and a girl.
    Please help me praise God for opening my eyes to see who directed me to Dr.Akpu power of Africa.
    You should contact him his live at his home or @
    Phone no(WhatsApp): +234 8079594617
    He had successfully cured people from
    Kidney/liver failure
    Poison/ cartridge infection
    Try as much as you can contact this man,for cure or information to your health challenges.
    Don't forget please.

  2. hat a miracle in my life!!!

    I'm so happy now cos all of my wasted years are gone, does years of tears and sorrows. I was diagnosed of Genital Herpes, I never believed myself been affected with Herpes Until now.I heard so much about the virus.I was so ashamed of myself to show up publicly. My doctor ,had to give me the Antibiotics like the acyclovir, which only helps to reduce outbreak, and I was concerned with cure cose the rashes where so painful and uncomfortable to my life .I thought I should engage consuming much of friuts, and vegetables for remedy still nothing to sure whenever I goes for checkup. With time, I became interested with Herbs and I decided to check online if there could be possible remedy regarding to what my friend Lucy told me about Dr. Awada herbal medicine that saved her Aunts life from Aunt from the Cancer iv haven visited many hospitals no cure to show. I had to try my luck believing God for cure. Collected the mail and contacted the herbalist for possible remedy and requested for the Herpes medicine. He was so kind, cos have spent almost everything with me then, he prepared and sent the medicine with guidelines of how to apply at a very low price. I do received the medicine and used as instructed, I became to feel relieved and more energy in me,the blisters where gradually diminishing till I could see them no more. I quickly went to check for checkup and I was cured from the Herpes. No sign till date.Thanks so much to all those who contribute to my breakthrough. Dr.Awada can cure you and you will be happy in less than 2 weeks. write back if you got cure so the world will know what to do to reduce herpes and other most deathly virus in the world.Kindly contact Dr Awada @drawadaherbalhome@gmail.comrequest for your herbal medicine for all sickness, including HIV/AIDS,HPV,CANCER, DIABETES, HEPATITIS, KIDNEY FALIUR WEEK ERECTION,LOW SPAM COUNT, FIBROIDS,....GET YOUR CURE NOW

  3. I was hospitalized with pneumonia and possible TB. I was scared too. Was this cancer?
    I was finally allowed to go home. But had clinic visit a few days after.
    The doctor wanted to discuss what was happening to me and that because my CD4 was down to 40 and viral load in excess of 330,000 copies, things were looking extremely tough for me in the coming months. I feared the worse. Was this the end for me. Was I going to die. Terrible fear took over. People with my diagnosis don't usually survive.
    I had to take a whole month off work. Everyone was worried and wondered how I became so sick.
    I had a close friend who came to the clinic with me and just supported me.
    Fortunately my doctor was very positive and said it was going to be tough. But that I would survive.
    Its now been 8 months since that all happened. Nothing positive to show up for my result, my friend told me about an Africa Herbalist who cured her Sis from Herpes, i was left with no choice i allowed her to contact the Herbalist and complaints for my cure. The Herbalist assured me I will be fine after taking his medicine. He did prepared it and sent it to me following the institutions applied, I became very happy cos I knew I was recovery with the Herbal Medicine, before I could finished the last bottle, I was convinced about my cure, and went for my test and all my results tested Negative.My health is back and my body is respond to treatment.
    I'm hearing you. It isn't easy. Its freaking scary. I'm still fighting. And getting better each day.
    My viral load now is undetectable. But my CD4 is still low.
    I take each day now as a gift. I hey to look after my body. Mentally I'm still struggling. But I'm on the mend.


    I will be okay. And so will you. Life throws these things and challenges at us. To make us stronger.
    Together we will overcome.
    For Herbal remedy.

  4. I was a victim of Herpes for 3 years till I got intouched with a powerful Herbalist during my wonderful research and saw people given testimonies about his herbal redemedies. I felt reluctant at first and the next day I met another lady who wrote with Thanksgiving testified how the Herbalist cures her mum from the CANCER the PHYSICIAN THERAPIST confirmed she could only live for 2 months, lucky her health was restored after she contacted Dr. Odey Abang, my powerful Herbalist within 3 weeks and the medicine bring her back. I was moved to try on my part. Sooner,he replied back and told him all I heard. Miraculously with Faith it works for me as well. I recommend Dr Odey Abang, Most Spiritual And Intellectual Herbalist.
    He had successfully cure many through me and I saw here to make it known to you all
    Dr Odey Abang, is a step to your breakthrough.
    Contact him for your problem, he cures and bring back relationship,finiacial breakthrough and deliverance.
    Kindly contact him if you're interested in my words

  5. I'm Susan, I'm from Florida United States.
    I dedicated this to my Beloved Daughter Kaila who helped me get the cure for my CANCER. And Specially to Dr. Odey Abang the Herbalist directly for his interest to handle my situation even when I was told I could not be cured. It's a long story to court and pains being of such a Danger of CANCER, for 4months Glory be to God๐Ÿคฆ
    It was Cancer Stage 4, and ended up, though I had serious problems with my feet, inability to take in solid food or medicals for my cures. Has God directed my daughter not knowing he had cured her from HERPES of which I never thought he could cured for CANCER, You need to be free and not die of IGNORANCE. HERBAL MEDICINE from a reliable Herbalist stans to be the best remedies for cures. I had known Dr. Odey Abang over 3 years now on he's cures for Herpes Simplex Viruse and HIV/AIDS.
    I could testify to you now that he had successfully cures HIV/AIDS, Diabetes HPV HSV Cancer and much more of all infections and bacteria diseases
    Contact him and desist from those Virus
    Always and every time I appreciate and recommend Dr Odey Abang for his good work in saving lives.
    His email address directed
    Feel blessed and happy day's ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

  6. My name is Angelo Alex I was tested HIV/Herpes positive and I was so worried am I going to die soon. I made my search on herbal remedy for Std, then I found lots of testimonies on how Dr James  Herbal Medicine Cured HIV/Aids, and other diseases like,Yeast infection, Rectum  effects, intestine damage, bowel obstruction, Ovarian disease,  Cancer, hypothyroidism, Herpes, COPD, HIV, Arthritis, Lyme disease,Hpv, Infections,Liver Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Parkinson's disease,Lupus,Nephrology and Hypertension, Neurology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women's Health, Oncology, Pediatrics, Pulmonary, ACUTE MYELOFIBROSIS, ALZHEIMER's symptoms, BREAST CANCER, DIABETES, HAIR LOSS AND HAIR TREATMENT, KIDNEY DISEASES, LEUKEMIA, MYELOID LEUKEMIA, STEM CELL TREATMENT   On websites sharing their testimonies, which made much more sense to me. All the authors pronounce Dr James As a man with Good Heart, I picked interest in their testimonies and I contact him about my situation then he gave me procedure how it works, I proceed after one week he courier his Herbal Medicine to me and instructed me on how to drink it for two weeks to cure. I received His Herbal Medicine so I drank it for two weeks as I was told then after 2 weeks of drinking his medicine, I went for a test I found out I was cured from HIV/Aids & Herpes Virus, I pay homage to him 2 months ago to his country to celebrate with him on his African festival which he told me it usually happens every year. I know there are lots of (HIV)/Aids Herpes Virus denials of Herbal Remedy movement the same few doctors and they represent a very small fraction of the community. I could have died because I refused Natural Herbs Cures for so long, but luckily, by the grace of God I am alive to tell my story. Contact Info...Whatsapp Number...+2348152855846, 

  7. Hello, I want to use this opportunity to thank a great doctor, a doctor Olta sepll caster who helped me to cure my (Alopecia) I was directed by a friend who received healing from him also. I almost lose hope in life when my friend told me about this great doctor who has healed many people from this sickness, I thought it will require many things but by the special grace of God everything was simple, now I am healed from (Alopecia) I am now a normal a human without no sickness. please my brothers and sisters if you are facing the same problem please remember to Contact Olta's spell caster for any kind of sickness HIV, cancer, etc For more info text or call (+1 424-644-1977) or email and WhatsApp ?+1 (862) 358-598

  8. Hello, I want to use this opportunity to thank a great doctor, a doctor Olta sepll caster who helped me to cure my (Alopecia) I was directed by a friend who received healing from him also. I almost lose hope in life when my friend told me about this great doctor who has healed many people from this sickness, I thought it will require many things but by the special grace of God everything was simple, now I am healed from (Alopecia) I am now a normal a human without no sickness. please my brothers and sisters if you are facing the same problem please remember to Contact Olta's spell caster for any kind of sickness HIV, cancer, etc For more info text or call (+1 424-644-1977) or email and WhatsApp ?+1 (862) 358-598...


  9. My greatful to God almighty for letting me know the truth and restoring my health back after 5 years of being diagnosed of Herpes. I couldn't underestimate the power of nature, haven't thought about my life how frustrating it's living with herpes simplex virus. Dr. Akpu was so kind to have prepared my medicine, I'm glad we all have our testimonies here.. you should contact Dr Akpu power for your medicine, be patience while waiting. God bless you as you don't give on this Email For immediate cures
